Not to be ignorant, but how does the addition of sugar create or react
to create a more flammable, dangerous substance.
You know what? I am feeling pretty cheerful today so instead of flaming
your poor ass I will explain. And if you don't like the explanation, go
to hell.
Potassium Chlorate is what is known as an OXIDISER. Oxygen is also an
Sugar is a FUEL. FUELS cannot burn without OXIDISERS.
An example is paper burning. Paper is a FUEL. Paper needs an OXIDISER to
burn. The OXIDISER in this reaction is oxygen, a weak OXIDISER. If you
took away the OXIDISER, the paper/oxygen would not burn. If you took
away the FUEL, the paper/oxygen would not burn either. (i will not go
into the oxidation/reduction terms, for simplcity)
So, when you mix sugar with potassium chlorate, there is a FUEL and an
OXIODISER, perfect conditions for a fire. Potassium chlorate is a very
strong OXIDISER, making the FUEL burn very well.
-Potassium Chlorate
Hope this helps. If it doesn't, then you are a real idiot.
Hey boys I was just wondering isn't it oxidiZer not oxidiSer? I've had
a bit of experience with potassium chlorate in the past. I would like
to give you the wise advice to never mix KClO3 with ether sugar, sulfur
of ammonium compounds as these mixtures are very sensitive and
relatively powerful. It's a good idea to test out fuel/oxidizer
mixtures that you aren't experienced with in extremely small amounts and
mess around with them in harmless amounts until you get to know them.
Also petroleum jelly and KClO3 is indeed a high explosive. While a
fairly weak one it does pack plenty of punch. Some had posted a message
a while ago about losing part of his hand to such a mixture. I was
wondering about the details of the accident so if that guy could post a
reply or e-mail me I'd appreciate it.
Delta H
In the King's English, oxidiSer is preferred. In the USofA, we usually write oxidiZer. It's like 'while'&'whilst', 'Zee'&'zed' and phonetically 's k edu ull'& 'shedule'. We don't need captions, do we?