photodetectors and photoresistor
(too old to reply)
2008-10-12 16:42:53 UTC
Photosensors or photodetectors are sensors of light or other
electromagnetic energy. There are several varieties:
• Optical detectors, which are mostly quantum devices in which an
individual photon produces a discrete effect.


A photoresistor or Light Dependent Resistor or CdS Cell is a resistor
whose resistance decreases with increasing incident light intensity.
It can also be referred to as a photoconductor.

2008-10-12 20:16:14 UTC
In article
Post by swapna
Photosensors or photodetectors are sensors of light or other
€ Optical detectors, which are mostly quantum devices in which an
individual photon produces a discrete effect.
A photoresistor or Light Dependent Resistor or CdS Cell is a resistor
whose resistance decreases with increasing incident light intensity.
It can also be referred to as a photoconductor.
and this has to do with Energetic Materials, HOW????????
Don T
2008-10-15 19:42:05 UTC
Post by Me
Know HOW, need chance.

How you been Me?

HeH. Parse THAT sentence.
Don Thompson

Stolen from Dan: "Just thinking, besides, I watched 2 dogs mating once,
and that makes me an expert. "

There is nothing more frightening than active ignorance.

It is a worthy thing to fight for one's freedom;
it is another sight finer to fight for another man's.
~Mark Twain
2008-10-16 17:40:42 UTC
Post by Don T
How you been Me?
HeH. Parse THAT sentence.
Still alive, and that seems to be better than the alternative...

Just got back from a trip to Utah. Did a small job, for an Old Client.
Old 1890, Two Story, Farmhouse. Client wanted to save the Lumber, but
didn't want to spend all winter, extracting the nails. It is amazing
how FAE, using LPG, calculated for interior volume, and Detonated with
a Capped, 1/3# PETN Booster, can just stretch the nails enough, to make
them easy to pull without a Nail Puller, once the building was prepped.

Not much happening in the newsgroup these days. Seems to be a dying
group, I guess. Saw a few posts from you, elsewhere, around the Usenet.
Must be all that Federal Institutional Paranoia, that has spread around
since 9/11.....
Don T
2008-10-16 19:00:01 UTC
Post by Me
Post by Don T
How you been Me?
HeH. Parse THAT sentence.
Still alive, and that seems to be better than the alternative...
Just got back from a trip to Utah. Did a small job, for an Old Client.
Old 1890, Two Story, Farmhouse. Client wanted to save the Lumber, but
didn't want to spend all winter, extracting the nails. It is amazing
how FAE, using LPG, calculated for interior volume, and Detonated with
a Capped, 1/3# PETN Booster, can just stretch the nails enough, to make
them easy to pull without a Nail Puller, once the building was prepped.
Yellow Pine wood seems to act like concrete when it gets that old. It is
hard to drive nails into without bending them and it is hard to yank them
out too. That's where those hand-made square tapered nails have the
advantage. In both directions. Your 1/3# booster did the initial yank and
the long pressure pulse from the propane held the yank long enough for
things to relax. Once your FAE loosened them they will damn near fall out.
Good work.
Post by Me
Not much happening in the newsgroup these days. Seems to be a dying
group, I guess. Saw a few posts from you, elsewhere, around the Usenet.
Must be all that Federal Institutional Paranoia, that has spread around
since 9/11.....
Yeah, I have been reluctant to post anything on any list that could be used
by a would-be to kill people. I don't have so much a F.I.P. but rather a
concern that I don't contribute anything to the people who want to use
scavenged information to harm others. Scientists determine what "it" is,
Engineers determine how "it" is best used, scavengers determine how "it" is
best misused.
Don Thompson

Stolen from Dan: "Just thinking, besides, I watched 2 dogs mating once,
and that makes me an expert. "

There is nothing more frightening than active ignorance.

It is a worthy thing to fight for one's freedom;
it is another sight finer to fight for another man's.
~Mark Twain