November 5
2010-04-27 17:56:23 UTC
Can ANFO be set off without a booster charge using low order
explosives (e.g powdered KNO3/Sugar or black powder) by confining the
low order explosive and a portion of the ANFO, to act as a self-
For example:
ANFO main charge
| ANFO self-booster charge |
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|------------------------------------| |
= Black powder | |
|----------------------------------- | |
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The black powder core, much like a firecracker, is set off first. It
has a strong casing so that rupture of it will produce a step-front
shock wave.
The ANFO self-booster charge contains a coarse granular mixture of AN
+ diesel, or perhaps low density wood chips (e.g. balsa). The porosity
of the ANFO grains results in adiabatic compression of the empty
spaces within it, causing local hotspots. A small quantity of fine
magnesium or aluminium powder may be added to the self-booster charge
to facilitate decomposition of the AN.
Once the self-booster charge detonates, it too ruptures the vessel it
is in and produces a much stronger, step-front shock wave that will
hopefully be a self-sustaining detonation wave in the bulk ANFO. For
higher energy densities, a fine powdered mixture of ANFO can be used
with consequently better packing than coarse grains.
explosives (e.g powdered KNO3/Sugar or black powder) by confining the
low order explosive and a portion of the ANFO, to act as a self-
For example:
ANFO main charge
| ANFO self-booster charge |
| |
|------------------------------------| |
= Black powder | |
|----------------------------------- | |
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The black powder core, much like a firecracker, is set off first. It
has a strong casing so that rupture of it will produce a step-front
shock wave.
The ANFO self-booster charge contains a coarse granular mixture of AN
+ diesel, or perhaps low density wood chips (e.g. balsa). The porosity
of the ANFO grains results in adiabatic compression of the empty
spaces within it, causing local hotspots. A small quantity of fine
magnesium or aluminium powder may be added to the self-booster charge
to facilitate decomposition of the AN.
Once the self-booster charge detonates, it too ruptures the vessel it
is in and produces a much stronger, step-front shock wave that will
hopefully be a self-sustaining detonation wave in the bulk ANFO. For
higher energy densities, a fine powdered mixture of ANFO can be used
with consequently better packing than coarse grains.