Post by kiloVoltsOn Jan 6, 7:31 pm, coonass Wrote
Post by coonassPost by Carey SublettePost by kiloVoltsI don't know who Andrew Riley is, but it's very simple to determine if
an explosion was caused by a nuclear reaction (either fusion or fission)
or not. All you need is a couple of radiation detectors.
What you say is not true. The explosive force equivalent of one gram of
TNT will likely a man, nearby; 50 grams with certainty.
According to Carey Sublette's Nuclear Weapons FAQ, fusion of pure
deuterium yields 82.2 kT/kg. That implies a yield of 82.2 tonnes TNT /
gram deuterium.
Now, 1 gram TNT = 0.000001 tonnes TNT. That implies that fusion of
1.21654e-8 grams ~ 12 nanograms of deuterium will kill a man.
OTOH 2.6 nanograms of D-T generates enough neutron energy to irradiate a 70
kg man with 1000 rads, quite lethal.
And there were, in fact, problems with harmful neutron and gamma-ray
doses being generated by at least a few hobbyists using deuterium in
their home-built inertial confinement "Farnsworth Fusors." No
fatalities that I'm aware of but exposures > several rem (5 rem is
enough to burn you out for the year in the nuclear industry under
ALARA these days).
Please see my parallel post.
My personal opinion is that no such research should be conducted outside of
the military/industrial complex (whatever is left of it), because it is
potentially dangerous.
I respectfully disagree.
Using the example you cite in which the death of a researcher working
with a D2O electrolysis cell was attributed to explosive recombination
of deuterium and oxygen over the cell, the radiological and chemical
explosive hazards were of similar magnitude - not very high, but in
this man's case unusual circumstances combined to cause his death.
There's nothing magic about the class of radiological hazards that
surround inertial confinement fusors that make these hazards worse
than the high voltage hazards which surround their normal operation
regardless of what feedstock goes into the reactor. You could use
hydrogen or boron vapor and get significant energy out of the system
with no radiological hazard at all, but still have a quite deadly high
voltage hazard from the grid voltage, a chemical detonation hazard
from the hydrogen if that is the feedstock, or an inhalation toxicity
problem from any gaseous form of boron used (about 80% of natural
boron supports a fusion reaction energetic enough that it has been
proposed as a fuel for commercial inertial confinement fusion power
Going back in electronic hobbyist history, you could adjust many older
types of color television tubes so that they created hazardous x-ray
flux. I haven't heard anyone seriously suggest that operation of
color CRT monitors be restricted to the military-industrial complex
because while the hazard is a real one and could with the old design
of CRT have been created with a trivial adjustment of two or three
circuits, it was also a hazard that was of a low level of propagation
- no more than a handful of people would have been exposed to the
problem even had it existed in any particular case.
So it is with inertial confinement fusors - the radiation field
generated by what we might consider the worst plausible case - use of
D-T fuel as a feedstock in an IEC fusor - would be relatively small,
brief in duration, and no neutron activation products of any
importance would be generated over the span of operation of such an
IEC fusor.
The people at risk from this mode of operation would be limited to the
operator and any bystanders within a few dozen yards, and the
resulting hazard could be mitigated by enforcement of current legal
restrictions on civilian possession of tritium and education of
hobbyists and other researchers as to the nature of the hazard and how
it might be prevented. In any case, the magnitude of the hazard is
not significantly worse than the fire or electrocution hazards posed
by normal operation of an inertial confinement fusor with no feedstock
or a feedstock which causes no hazardous radiation output (e.g.